Healthcare Dashboard
HealthCare Dashboard is a web application that aims to provide an easy-to-use platform for managing healthcare data. The frontend of the app is built using React, a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, while the backend is built using Java Spring Boot, a powerful framework for building enterprise-grade applications. Some of the features of the HealthCare Dashboard include:
- Patient management: This feature allows healthcare providers to view and update patient information, including demographics, medical history, and current conditions.
- Appointment scheduling: With this feature, patients can schedule appointments with their healthcare providers, and providers can view and manage their appointment schedules.
- Prescription management: This feature enables healthcare providers to write and track prescriptions for their patients, as well as view and update the medication list for each patient.
- Electronic health records: The HealthCare Dashboard allows providers to store and access electronic health records (EHRs) for each patient, providing a comprehensive overview of a patient's healthcare history.
- Overall, the HealthCare Dashboard is a useful tool for streamlining healthcare management and improving the patient experience.